Callidus Design Consulting Engineers

Designers, engineers, consultants and technical specialists covering a wide range of building and process services.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services

Mechanical and Electrical M&E Engineering Design

As consulting engineeers, Callidus Design offer a full range of Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) engineering services. This also includes the combination of Mechanical, Electrical and Process Engineering which is referred to by the acronym MEP. Callidus Design's consultants provide design and support functions for a wide range of mechanical and electrical services. 


What makes buildings tick?

The beating heart of a modern building is the combination of mechanical and electrical services which create the pleaseant and comfortable internal environment for the occupants. The services provide all-important welfare facilities and also make the building functional, safe and secure. Without these services the building would be an uncomfortable cave. Todaay's highly serviced buildings are a challenge for the mechanical and electrical consultant. The space occupied by these services affects the architectural layout of the building in terms of ceiling voids and risers. The weights of these services affects the structural strength of the building since the plant must be supported by the structure. We have become so used to the functionality of the M&E services in a building that it would be unimaginable constructing a building without them. This is particularly so becasue we rely almost entirely upon the M&E components of a building to safeguard the health and the safety of the occupants. Of course, those mechanical and electrical serrvices must be designed correctly so that they provide the functionality intended. That is where Callidus Design can offer their considerable expertise.

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Services

Details of each of the mechanical and electrical design and support services we provide are outlined below. Please use the menu at the top of the page or any of the following links to discover what we offer for any given discipline.